We have been asked to write a monthly message to the dancer's of California, so here's our first one. So you won't be confuse, Rosie & I are the Promotion Chairman for California Square Dance Council and in November we'll be installed as the Square Dance Council Public Relations Director, yes we'll also continual on as Promotion Chairman. The past two month (August & September) has been a busy one for the California Square Dancer's, first of all the California Progressive Squares was a tremendous success this year. The dancer's up north had a great program set up for this special day, August 28th. they all ended up dancing at Cal Expo in Sacramento.  Just this weekend under the leadership of Bob Clark/Sandi Boone, 400 square dancer's attended the 49er's Football Game (Sunday, October 3rd) a great Promotional event. Down in the Southern area, the local Associations including A-Square-D had a good turn out on August 28th, most of the dances were located inside the Wal-Mart Stores. September 14th was "Dancer's Day" and the local Associations danced at the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona on this day.  We have received reports that in one area the U.S. Mail was deliver by a Post lady all dressed up in Square Dance Attire plus dancer's going on Ride Along with some local Law enforcement agencies. We had one call from a Club stating they picked up four new dancer's for their first night of class because of the "Dancer's Day" event. Just received the GREAT NEWS that a joint resolution been introduced into the 106th Congress of the United States, bill H.J. Res.#60 "Designating the Square Dance as the National Folk Dance of The United States". Been waiting a long time for this, we are asking all dancers to write their Congresspersons to that the State of California has designated Square Dance its State American Folk Dance and bill H.J. # 60 is before the US House of Representatives.  The zip code for the House of Representatives is 20515 and the US Senate is 20510, Washington, DC. Watch for more information on bill H.J. #60 in the months ahead.

"Promote Square Dancing to ONE and ALL".

Dave & Rosie Sperl Promotions